Monday, August 31, 2009

Change of Clothes

Keystone Elementary School wants you to send in a change of clothes (pants, shirt, shoes, underwear, & socks) for your child to have in case of accidents or emergencies as soon as possible. Please send the spare clothes to school in a ziplock bag labeled with your child's name.

If your child has an accident & no spare clothing is available, parents will be called to bring in a change of clothes. The nurse's office is unable to provide clean clothing for your child.

Special Classes

Day 1 - Art with Ms. Space
Day 2 - Music with Mrs. Nesta
Day 3 - Classroom Activity or Computer Lab
Day 4 - Library with Mrs. Colantonio
Day 5 - Physical Education with Mr. Nellis

Daily Schedule

9:00 - 9:25 AM Morning Activities - children arrive & sign in. Some children go to breakfast while
others work @ table activities focusing on a specific skill area or free play.

9:25 - 9:45 CircleTime - activities included during this time are: Songs, Pledge of
Allegiance, Calendar, & Weather Wheel

9:45 - 10:35 Language Arts

10:40 - 11:20 Restroom & Lunch

11:30 - 12:00 Recess & from 12:00 - 12:30 StoryTime & Drinks/Restroom - 12:15 - 12:45 Monday - Thursday there will be
Reading Intervention for students who need additional help

12:30 - 1:00 QuietTime

1:10 - 1:45 Special Class
Day 1 - Art
Day 2 - Music
Day 3 - Classroom Activity or Computer Lab
Day 4 - Library ..... please remember to bring your Libraby book
Day 5 - Gym

1:50 - 2:10 Snack Time (& Restroom as needed)

2:10 - 2:30 Math

2:30 - 3:30 Center Activities

3:35 Walker Dismissal
3:38 Bus Dismissal

Wish List

We really appreciate parents' donations to our classroom, and are often asked "What do you need"? Listed below are some items that are beneficial to your children. You may donate these items at any time during the year. If you see an X beside the column that means we currently have enough of that item. Thank You!!

- soft tissues/Kleenex
X absorbent paper towels
X pump hand sanitizer - the kind that doesn't require water
X spray Lysol
- Clorox disinfecting wet wipes
X Ziploc bags - sandwich & snack sizes
- Ziploc plastic storage bags - quart & gallon sizes
- crackers or pretzels
X books - "gently" used or new
X craft supplies - assorted glitters/wiggle eyes/foam letters & shapes/ etc.

2009 - Thumbs Up & a special thanks to the Cullan & Nicholas's families for their generous donation to the children in K1!!! Whoooohoooo!! Thanks also to Andrew & Sabrina's families for donating pumpkins to carve.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

About Me

Keystone High School - Class of 1971
Bachelor of Science in Education @ Clarion State College - December 1974
Masters of Education @ Clarion State College - August 1976

I began teaching Fourth grade at Keystone Elementary in January of 1975, moved to Developmental Kindergarten in 2004 & finally to the last stop in my teaching career....... full-day Kindergarten in 2008. My husband, Dennis, and I live in the Shippenville area. Our son, Ryan recently received his Doctorate in Physical Therapy & has begun his career at a UPMC clinic on the South Side in PGH. Our daughter, Krista and son-in-law Ben, live in Denver, CO, but are currently living/working in Guatemala for the next year. In my free time, I enjoy spending time on the phone talking to my kids, reading, buying & selling on eBay, & knitting.

I feel parents are an important & essential part of the educational program! I value your communication and support from home. If you have any special concerns, please send a note in your child's folder, email, or call me at home (814-226-8057 after 6PM). Also remember, you may contact me to schedule a conference at any time for any reason.