Monday, November 16, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

True to the old saying - practice does make perfect! As I mentioned in a previous post, the children must count to 30 by the end of the 2nd grading period. At home, please look for things to count - windows or doors in your house, shoes in the closet, silverware in the drawer, or ask your child to help unload the dishwasher & count the number of spoons or forks, or plates, or bowls, or......... you get the picture, it could go on endlessly!
Another fun activity is counting dry cereals, M & M's, or mini marshmallows. Pour them into a bowl, have your child count out a certain number of pieces & if they count them out correctly they can eat the items; this might be a neat bedtime snack activity. If your child is struggling, start this activity by counting with them & gradually encourage them do the counting alone.

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